Dr. Stephen Fitzpatrick
• Computer scientist, chief financial officer & contracts manager
• Research interests Software specification and synthesis, planning, distributed constraint systems, and peer-to-peer algorithms - more.
- The Structure of and Constraints on Strike Packages
- Synthetic Diversity: Generating Alternative Representations and Run-time Monitors for Robustness and Cyber-security
- The Automated Transformation of Abstract Specifications of Numerical Algorithms into Efficient Array Processor Implementations
- The Tailoring of Abstract Functional Specifications of Numerical Algorithms for Sparse Data Structures through Automated Program Derivation and Transformation
- An Experimental Assessment of a Stochastic, Anytime, Decentralized, Soft Colourer for Sparse Graphs
- Distributed Coordination through Anarchic Optimization
- Ph.D. Computer Science, 1994, The Queen’s University of Belfast
- M.Sc. Computer Science, 1990, The Queen’s University of Belfast
- B.A. Physics, 1989, Oxford University (Keble College)
Previous Appointments
Temporary Lecturer, July 1995 - November 1996
Department of Computer Science, The Queen’s University of Belfast
Research Assistant, September 1993 - July 1995
Department of Computer Science, The Queen’s University of Belfast
Visiting Scholar, October 1991 - May 1992
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
The Queen’s Univerisity of Belfast, Northern Ireland
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Ilinois, USA
Keble College
Oxford University, England